



### **1. 歷史與文化意義**

- 下鴨神社的歷史可追溯至公元7世紀,甚至更早,是日本神道教的根源之一。神社供奉的主神為賀茂建角身命(開創京都的神)及其女兒玉依姬命(保佑姻緣、安產與育兒的神)。

- 神社與上賀茂神社合稱「賀茂社」,自古以來被視為京都的守護神,保護城市免受災難與邪惡侵擾。

- 神社的創建與平安京(京都的古稱)的建立密切相關,被認為是遷都時祈求成功的重要場所。


### **2. 建築特色**

- 下鴨神社的建築風格仿照平安時代,採用傳統的「權現造」設計,以紅漆木結構為主,展現了古代日本建築的精緻與莊嚴。

- 神社的核心建築為東西兩座本殿,均被指定為國寶。本殿的屋頂採用柏樹皮鋪設,呈現優美的弧線,是日本神社建築的經典代表。

- 神社內還有53座建築被列為重要文化遺產,包括樓門、舞殿等,每一處細節都蘊含深厚的文化底蘊。


### **3. 自然景觀:糺之森**

- 下鴨神社被一片古老的森林「糺之森」環繞,面積達12.4萬平方米。這片森林擁有樹齡200至600年的巨樹,被視為神聖之地,具有淨化心靈的力量。

- 糺之森四季景色各異,春天櫻花盛開,夏天綠意盎然,秋天紅葉紛飛,冬天白雪覆蓋,是都市人放鬆心靈的好去處。


### **4. 主要祭典與活動**

- **葵祭**:每年5月15日舉行,是京都三大祭典之一。遊行隊伍穿著平安時代的華麗服飾,從京都御所出發,行進至下鴨神社與上賀茂神社,重現古代皇室祭祀的盛況。

- **御手洗祭**:每年7月下旬舉行,參拜者會在御手洗池中浸泡雙腳,象徵洗去罪惡與疾病,並祈求健康與安產。

- **流鏑馬**:5月初舉行的神道儀式,射手在奔馳的馬背上射箭,祈求豐收與祭典順利。


### **5. 特色景點與活動**

- **御手洗池**:池水清澈,是進行水占卜的熱門地點。參拜者可將占卜紙放入水中,等待字跡浮現,體驗獨特的占卜樂趣。

- **相生社**:供奉結緣之神,著名的「連理の賢木」是兩棵交織的樹木,象徵愛情與緣分。

- **河合神社**:位於下鴨神社境內,供奉玉依姬命,以祈求美麗與安產聞名。這裡的「鏡繪馬」讓參拜者畫上理想中的容貌,祈求內外皆美。

- **蕾絲御守**:下鴨神社的蕾絲御守以其精緻設計聞名,深受女性喜愛,象徵幸福與美好。


### **6. 參拜資訊**

- **開放時間**:夏季5:30~18:00,冬季6:30~17:00。

- **交通方式**:從京都站搭乘市營巴士4號或205號,於「下鴨神社前」下車即可抵達。

- **費用**:參拜免費,部分特別參觀區域需付費。


### **總結**



Shimogamo Shrine (formally known as "Kamo Gozu Shrine") is one of the oldest and most important shrines in Kyoto, Japan. It has a history of more than a thousand years and is listed as a World Cultural Heritage. The following is an introduction from the aspects of history, architecture, festivals, natural landscapes and special activities:


### **1. Historical and cultural significance**

- The history of Shimogamo Shrine can be traced back to the 7th century AD, or even earlier, and is one of the roots of Japanese Shintoism. The main deities enshrined at the shrine are Kamo Kenkaku no Mikoto (the god who founded Kyoto) and his daughter Tamakihime no Mikoto (the god who protects marriage, safe childbirth and child rearing).

- The shrine and Kamigamo Shrine are collectively known as "Kamo Shrine". They have been regarded as the patron saint of Kyoto since ancient times, protecting the city from disasters and evil.

- The establishment of the shrine is closely related to the establishment of Heian Kyo (the ancient name of Kyoto), and it is considered an important place to pray for success when moving the capital.


### **2. Architectural Features**

- The architectural style of Shimogamo Shrine is modeled after the Heian period, using the traditional "Gongen-zukuri" design, with a red lacquered wooden structure as the main structure, showing the delicacy and solemnity of ancient Japanese architecture.

- The core buildings of the shrine are the east and west main shrines, both of which are designated as national treasures. The roof of the main shrine is paved with cypress bark, showing a graceful arc, which is a classic representative of Japanese shrine architecture.

- There are 53 buildings in the shrine that are listed as important cultural heritage, including the tower gate, dance hall, etc., and every detail contains profound cultural heritage.


### **3. Natural Landscape: The Forest of Zou**

- Shimogamo Shrine is surrounded by an ancient forest "Tatsu no Mori" with an area of ​​124,000 square meters. This forest contains giant trees that are 200 to 600 years old and is considered a sacred place with the power to purify the soul.

- The scenery of Tatsu no Mori varies throughout the four seasons. Cherry blossoms are in full bloom in spring, lush greenery in summer, red leaves in autumn, and covered with snow in winter. It is a good place for urbanites to relax their minds.


### **4. Main festivals and activities**

- **Aoi Festival**: Held on May 15th every year, it is one of the three major festivals in Kyoto. The parade, dressed in gorgeous costumes from the Heian period, started from the Kyoto Imperial Palace and marched to Shimogamo Shrine and Kamigamo Shrine, recreating the grand occasion of ancient royal sacrifices.

- **Mitarai Festival**: Held in late July every year, worshipers will soak their feet in the Mitarai pool to symbolize washing away sins and diseases, and to pray for health and safe delivery.

- **Yabusima**: A Shinto ceremony held in early May. Archers shoot arrows on the back of a galloping horse to pray for a good harvest and a smooth festival.


### **5. Special attractions and activities**

- **Mitarai Pond**: The water in the pond is clear and it is a popular place for water divination. Visitors can put the divination paper into the water and wait for the writing to emerge to experience the unique fun of divination.

- **Aiyosha**: Dedicated to the god of marriage, the famous "Lianli no Xianmu" is two intertwined trees, symbolizing love and fate.

- **Kawai Shrine**: Located in Shimogamo Shrine, it is dedicated to Yui Hime and is famous for praying for beauty and safe childbirth. The "mirror-e horse" here allows worshipers to draw their ideal appearance and pray for beauty both inside and outside.

- **Lace Guard**: The lace guard of Shimogamo Shrine is famous for its exquisite design and is loved by women, symbolizing happiness and beauty.


### **6. Visiting information**

- **Opening hours**: 5:30~18:00 in summer, 6:30~17:00 in winter.

- **Transportation**: Take city bus No. 4 or 205 from Kyoto Station and get off at "Shimogamo Shrine-mae".

- **Fee**: Admission to the shrine is free, but some special visiting areas require payment.


### **Summarize**

Shimogamo Shrine is not only a religious holy place, but also a symbol of Kyoto's history and culture. Whether it is ancient buildings, sacred forests, or rich festivals and activities, it is an excellent place for visitors to experience Japanese traditional culture. If you plan to go to Kyoto, Shimogamo Shrine is definitely an attraction not to be missed!

Shimogamo Shrine entrance